Travel Agency Partnership Program
Offer discounts and coupons for your clients. Earn rewards for your agency.
Already registered? Sign In to your Travel Agent account.
Bénéficiez du meilleur tarif lors de votre prochain séjour!
Park’N Fly Rewards
About Park’N Fly
Partner Accounts
Already registered? Sign In to your Travel Agent account.
Create client reservations from any web browser or mobile device.
Earn free parking days with every client stay. Pass them on to clients or use them for staff travel.
* Park’N Fly Halifax does not offer Park’N Fly Rewards and does not participate in the free-day program.
Learn more about the new Park'N Fly Rewards.
Apprenez-en davantage sur le nouveau Park’N Fly Rewards.
Are you a travel agent? Access the Travel Agent Sign In
Not a member? Register and start earning valuable rewards with every stay.
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